Cyclical Review Process - Benefits and Programs

The cyclical review process of a benefit or a program is the vehicle used by the NCJC every three years to incorporate amendments and/or changes agreed to by both management and union representatives. The NCJC committee chairpersons are responsible for providing Committee members with a cyclical review schedule. This process allows for changes or amendments to be proposed, discussed within the NCJC Committees and approved by Council. Only then does the change or amendment become effective. This is in fact the employee’s chance to have a say in the review of a program or benefit. The employee should forward his suggestions to his respective bargaining unit. His union representative will then submit the employee’s concerns to a bargaining unit member on the appropriate Committee. For cyclical review procedures within the NCJC, please refer to the NCJC Bylaws, articles 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.

Opting In Or Out Notice Guideline Cyclical Review

Unions and Management are to notify the NAV CANADA Joint Council whether they are opting into discussions or are opting out. A nil response will be taken as opting in. Please forward your response to