Rates 2008

The NAV CANADA Joint Council (NCJC) is pleased to announce the Travel Guideline rates for 2008.

Appendix B: Kilometric Rate

Effective August 1, 2008

Mileage rates are expressed in terms of cents per kilometre

Employer requested rateCents/km
AB, MB, SK47.5
NB, NS, PE53.5
BC, ON52.5
NL, QC52.5
NT, NU, YT60.5
Traveller requested rateCents/km
AB, MB, SK14
NB, NS, PE14.5
BC, ON15
NL, QC15
NT, NU, YT22.5

Appendix C: Meals and Allowances

Effective August 1, 2008


(Bracketed rates are for Yukon (YT), Northwest Territory (NT) and Nunavut (NU))

1.1 Composite meal and incidental allowances

Daily Rate
commercial$76.65 ($88.15)

1.2 Meal allowances

Daily Rate
breakfast$18.20 ($20.93)
lunch$17.95 ($20.64)
dinner$34.50 ($39.68)

1.3 Incidental expense allowances

Daily Rate
commercial$6.00 ($6.90)

1.4 Extended periods in travel status

Daily Rate
composite$70.65 ($81.25)

1.5 Weekend travel home transportation allowances

Daily Rate
two day weekend$253.30 ($276.30)
three day weekend$379.95 ($414.44)
four day weekend$506.60 ($552.59)

1.6 Accommodation

Daily Rate
private/corp./institutional$50.00 ($50.00)

The travel allowances are as follow for travel in Canada* (rates in parentheses apply to NT, YT, and NU only):

*Travel in the USA is at the same rates as those given above, but payable in U.S. funds. For travel in the U.S.A. the rates in parentheses apply to Alaska only.