
All of these programs constitute NAV CANADA policy in the areas that they deal with and they apply to unionized employees. The programs are deemed to be part of the collective agreements between the parties to the NAV CANADA Joint Council, to which represented employees are to be afforded ready access. Please note that the programs below in .pdf require Adobe Acrobat Reader. Download a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

ProgramFor Inquiry, ContactPhone
TravelJennifer Savard, Corporate Travel & Employee Relocation(613) 563-5930
RelocationJennifer Savard, Corporate Travel & Employee Relocation(613) 563-5930
Isolated Posts / Living Accommodation ChargesSarah Levesque, Benefits Advisor1-888-774-4732
Commuting AssistanceJennifer Savard, Corporate Travel & Employee Relocation(613) 563-5930
Bilingualism BonusIsabel Tsevi-Fanson, Manager, Employee Relations(613) 563-7290
MOU/Definition of SpouseSylvain Guindon, Director, HR Business Partnerships (613) 563-5924
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)Sylvain Guindon, Director, HR Business Partnerships (613) 222-5446

Updates of the programs will be re-issued following the completion of cyclical reviews or amendments resulting from changes to the Canada Labour Code.